Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moving On

Its funny how things work out sometimes.  I love it.  For instance.  I was dating this really great person, but something was just... off.  Because it was so wierd the relationship I was in ended.  It was all on good terms, but still.  And I realized how much my friend had been there for me, and how I felt when I was there for him.  This friend and I had dated a couple years ago, and it ended badly.  Its been a rocky period for us, but when that relationship I was in ended, I realized... I really missed this guy.  I found out that I was still very much crushing on him, and I felt bad for the guys I dated after that relationship, because I couldn't truly give them my whole heart- someone else still was holding on to it, and I don't think I really wanted him to give it back to me.
    Yesterday I was EXHAUSTED- I'd been to a concert the night before, and didn't get home til about one, so I was trying to sleep on the way to school.  I couldn't do it on the first bus.  But then on the shuttle bus, I sat with this guy (let's call him J) and said, "I am so tired. I need to sleep."  So he looked at me and gave me a cute little hug, and I just told him "OK, you're my pillow now," leaned over and put my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes and rested.  I felt so at peace and comfortable just sitting there, and he made it more comfortable when he leaned his head over on top of my head.  I felt warm, happy, and got those pesky albeit adorable butterflies in my stomach feeling, just by sitting like that with him.  The best part, however was when he just put his arm around me, and I cuddled up next to him.  I felt so content, so... right with him.
I had been so happy hanging out with him, him walking me to my classes, carrying my backpack for me, giving me the best melt-in-your-arms hugs ever, and joking around with each other.  So when my friend told me that he wanted to ask me out (again), you can probably see how happy I was- it just made my day.  So naturally, as we walked from class to class, I couldn't help but smile- I like this guy so much! But when is he gonna ask me? These thoughts came rushing into my mind, and I couldn't think of anything else for a while.  As he hugged me goodbye before the bell, the rest of the world... vanished.  That is, until someone ran into me, and the hug broke.  I couldn't wait for lunch, because I saw him every day either before or after lunch- and I always got one of those AMAZING hugs.
This day though, was a little bit different.  He came directly over to me, gave me a big hug, and just sat with me, waiting and talking.  When the bell rang, he didn't go on to lunch: he walked me back to class.  We stood in the hallway, talking and laughing with each other. About five minutes into the ten, my best friend ran up and gave me a hug, turned to him and said "Did you ask her yet??" as he stood there blushing and I shooed her off to class.  He was stuttering, and he finally looked at me and said "Well, you know by now what I'm gonna ask you...So...?" I answered "Yeah I know what you're gonna ask, but I want to hear you say it."  J answered, "I don't know why this is so much more difficult than it was before..."  He took a few deep breaths, looked at me, and asked very quietly "Will you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't hear him, so I leaned closer to him and asked him to repeat it. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and said absolutely, and gave him a bigg hug- which he returned, with a kiss on the cheek.

The whole point of this is that this guy, J, had been cheated on and was heartbroken.  He remembered in the past a mistake he had made while dating me, and he told me with teary eyes that he was truly sorry.  I pulled him into a hug, and held him there for a few minutes.  I told him I know it hurts, and I forgave him for the mistake he made.  The past is but a chapter, you have to flip the page to move on and learn from it.  Turning the page, I told him, is the first step to the future.  His response? Sometimes... I wish you could still be a part of my future.  I told him I may be.  No one can tell the future.  But I hope I can be, I said. 
I just didn't expect the future would come so soon!
The Lesson? 
expect the unexpected!
Live Life Free

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